Mark is pleased to have finished the fencing that needed renewing. The bottom land boundary is now secure again so that we can concentrate a little more on growing plants and shrubs for sale at Achill Country Market ( see http://www.achillcountrymarket.blogspot.com/ ).
We shall now aim to re-establish both the soft-fruit garden ( blackcurrants, rhubarb, gooseberries, strawberries, and apples (baking and eating) and a growing-on area for pot plants and cuttings. We had been holding back previously because we were not stock-proof. There are plenty of sheep on all sides of us.
Our garden has established well over the past few years. We consciously decided to develop a more coastal theme as well as planting and encouraging native species of trees and shrub. We wanted a garden that would contain plenty of evergreens to provide structure and colour throughout the year, as well as big plants that would establish quickly and could put up with salt storms.
We planted Torbay palms and lots of variegated New Zealand flax five years ago and they have established very well. The palms flowered for the first time last year and are now 10 feet tall. The flax are similar in height, big dramatic specimens that throw up their exotic flower-spikes to 14 feet or so.
We have been blessed with good weather and so we have been busy gardening and making plans for further projects - paddocks in the back acre. In addition we have to try and finish the chalet interior at least partly - a ladder, a kitchen, something to sleep on!
For now the sun is shining and the days long - we're not making hay but we're busy.
Eileen is keen to get oil-painting again and I need to start some raised beds in the front garden.
Best Wishes,
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